He and Barbara are traveling around NZ in a rented motorhome with their middle daughter Ellen and her husband and, of course, whenever they stop for much more than fuel, Marty hops on his bike for a few K’s (that’s kilometers). He’d ridden the 15 miles from their campground to our house on the off-chance we’d be around, knowing we were in NZ but had only managed to get our address, not our phone number. Unfortunately, we already had our Easter weekend trip planned and had reservations at “backpackers” for the next 3 nights, so were committed to going ahead with it, but not before stopping by the “caravan park” where they were staying and had a good chat with them all.
This trip was the 1st chance we’d had to get very far away from Takaka, so decided to go west to see the other coast. We only had one particular site in mind…Punakakai…where there is a local geological feature they call Pancake Rocks (see photos). Other than that, the trip was pretty much planned using darts and a map. The west coast of NZ is known for its rain, rugged coastline and the independent streak of its residents. One sign outside ant
As I guess should be expect from an older car, the Subaru developed a growl in the rear end, which was diagnosed as a wheel bearing being returned to dust, so we decided to abort some of the side trips and go for the most direct way home. Short story: we made it, got the car fixed back in Takaka, increasing our vehicle investment to $2900.
I have to digress here and define “Backpacker.” These are low budget accommodations, much like we would define hostels in the eekend were quite full, a last-of-summer fling for Kiwis…much like Labor Day in the
ut comfortable temps, though.
One of of the stops was the town of owner of a ’47 Studebaker. (Both Chris and our kids are pretty sure I have owned one of every kind of car, havi
ng grown a bit weary of hearing various versions of me saying, “Look, a ’32 Plymouth coupe. I used to have one of those.”
Wouldn’t you know my one regret related to this trip also had to do with a car? While we were wandering around in and this one was a bargain, but before I was able to talk myself into it, we were gone and I hadn’t written down the contact phone. Sigh! The photo is a reminder for the
Mini-deprived reading this.
Being Easter, the only thing open in Greymouth, strangely enough, was a jade shop. Another coincidence! It was Chris’ birthday and she had decided (long ago, apparently) that she would get a piece of jade jewelry while in NZ, which she did. It’s green. She browsed, I drank coffee. (See photo. The jade, not me drinking.)
Last stop on the trip was the Old Nurses Home in Reefton. The ONH is now a backpacker and Reefton is a place not many Kiwis can even find on a map. It’s a place that sometime in the 1800’s was expected to grow into a major hub because of the gold and coal, which explains why there was a nurses home for 50 nurses in a town which is now, maybe, 500. It never developed into a center of any kind, but there’s lots of good fishing, kayaking and exploring to do in the area, none of which we did. This particular night the Home was inhabited by a couple old Alaskans and 50 old fly fishermen and spouses. After several bottles of wine, a few of them had to be carried up to their rooms…the fishermen, not the Alaskans.
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